Add Callback button to your Shopify store

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”

“Every contact we have with a customer influence whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.”


In view of that we have put in the Callback app for Shopify to cut down the stress when getting back to your customers. The Callback app from Shopify allows you to reach back to customers who are interested in a call from your store to clarify details of their order or get some additional information about your store.

Customer needs just a click on your Storefront to reach out to you and as every single question they need. That is your store and it will be seen on your storefront. To get started:

1.Go to Shopify Admin and click on Apps

2.Go to Callback App

3.Click on the Settings Tab and fill all required settings of your choice

NB: Callback form fields are customizable on Callback app from Shopify app’s Settings: some of those customizations are listed below:

  • You can disable or enable optional callback form fields;
  • Configurable phrases;
  • Callback button’s color can be changed (any color of your choice);
  • Enable or disable Geolocation API that detects user’s location;
  • Callback button’s location (you can choose any corner of the page on your storefront);
  • Automatic call back opening;
  • Hide Callback button.

4.Now go to your Storefront and preview, how does the callback popup “Look and Feel” on your page

5.The customer then needs to click on the Call Me back Icon and fill in the Phone number and the Time to receive the call back

6. Finally, there is a pop up which confirms that that have made a successful callback request

7. Callback app for Shopify automatically sends a request to your Email, notifying you about the request made by the customer

Furthermore, a new customer is being added into Customers section of your Shopify store anytime a customer uses the Callback app for Shopify in your store. Also, by using the link in Callback app’s Settings, you are able to view all customers who requested callback. With Callback app you will be able to create a new business process – sales tunnel that will add confidence in your label, which in turn makes it more valuable. This will definitely mean more orders, and thus increased revenue for your shop.

If you are not using Shopify yet, you can try it for free for 14 days using this link.

As usual, please reach out to us if you have any questions or need support in anyway. Stay safe! Stay blessed!

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