Comments in Courses Plus app for Shopify
In this blog we’d like to highlight commenting and community building options available in Courses Plus app for Shopify.
1. Facebook Comments
Facebook Comments app has been integrated with Courses Plus for a while – it is an easy to enable way for students to comment on lessons. There is no need to log in as soon as student is using the same browser where they’re logged in to Facebook. Of course, student’s name and profile picture are available already, from Facebook account.
2. Commentify
Commentify is an alternative commenting option available in Courses Plus app and, unlike Facebook, it does not rely on global services, like Facebook / Meta / Disqus, etc, and uses only its own infrastructure. This means that comments and users data won’t be used for advertising and other related global services.
Commentify provides more advanced features:
- voting (upvotes / downvotes);
- sticky comments;
- moderation;
- nested replies (threads);
- markdown support;
- ability to lock threads if needed.
Both apps are integrated natively with Courses Plus app, so you can just visit Settings section of Courses Plus app’s admin and install / enable the app of your choice.