February 21, 2018

How We Work


Extend your current team with our software engineers, product managers, UI/UX experts and test engineers. The teams are available in our development centres or remotely.



Start developing right away! Don’t invest your time and efforts into technical documentation preparation and team management. You just tell us the features you want us to start with and we do the rest : create tickets, set priorities and get things done on schedule.



In case you already have a detailed idea of a working product, delegate the management risks to Architechpro and reduce your operational costs. We’ll assign the right experts from our team to your project and plan realistic delivery dates.




We can also help you with Customer Support, Quality Assurance, DevOps and Software Product Maintenance. While you’re focusing on your prioritised tasks, we’re making sure the automation and orchestration of the service is done in the right way. Your business-critical services will be monitored by our team and any problem is fixed before it affects your business.