
Upload From a SCORM File – Now Available on Courses App

Hi everyone, It is a delight to come your way once again with yet another exciting feature like we always do.  As you delve through your online course, Courses app, we are highly driven to give you a  worthwhile experience to ensure that you take your courses smoothly and perfectly with minimal challenges. After the Read more about Upload From a SCORM File – Now Available on Courses App[…]

Courses for Shopify: how to embed a video into a lesson / course from YouTube

Hello Everyone, It is a pleasure to assist Courses app users as much as we can to build their store to the maximum best we can. Embedding media into courses is very vital. We are glad to come your way with a step-by-step process of how to embed a video into a course from YouTube Read more about Courses for Shopify: how to embed a video into a lesson / course from YouTube[…]

Thank you page – now available in Courses app for Shopify

Hi everyone, Making your progress through an online course is always a fascinating and enjoyable experience. But nothing beats the feeling of finally making it to the very end and completing your course altogether. To enhance that experience, today we’d like to show you our brand new feature coming to the Courses app: Thank you Read more about Thank you page – now available in Courses app for Shopify[…]

New in Courses for Shopify: Drip Content + Limited Time Course Access

Hi,   We’re continuing to inform you about new features in Courses app for Shopify. There are 2 new features we wanted to tell you about: Drip Content   Now you can choose when to deliver new sections of your courses: you can choose a Specific Date (e.g. release the next course on 1st of Read more about New in Courses for Shopify: Drip Content + Limited Time Course Access[…]